Bible Verse Of The Day - September 26, 2024 | Morning Prayers with Scriptures


Today Bible verse is - Romans 10:9

"If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Devotion for September 26, 2024

Dear friends, this powerful verse from Romans speaks right to the heart of our faith. It's not about complicated rituals or secret knowledge. No, God has made it beautifully simple for us.

Think about it - our words have power. When we say "Jesus is Lord," we're not just repeating a phrase. We're declaring a truth that changes everything. It's like opening a door and inviting Jesus to take charge of our lives.

But it doesn't stop there. Our hearts need to match our words. When we truly believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, it shows we trust in His power over death itself. This isn't just accepting a fact - it's embracing a life-changing truth.

You see, salvation isn't something we earn. It's a gift God offers freely. All we need to do is reach out and accept it with our words and our hearts.

Today, I challenge you: Speak those words out loud - "Jesus is Lord." Let them ring in your ears. Then, take a moment to reflect on what you truly believe. Do you trust that God's power is greater than anything, even death?

This simple act of declaring and believing opens the door to a life transformed. It's the start of a journey with God that will change you from the inside out.

Remember, friends, God's love is for everyone. He's waiting with open arms. Will you take that step of faith today?


Prayer for September 26, 2024

Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude. Thank You for making the path to salvation so clear and accessible to all of us.

Lord Jesus, we declare with our mouths that You are Lord. We believe in our hearts that God raised You from the dead. Let this truth sink deep into our souls and transform our lives.

Holy Spirit, strengthen our faith. Help us to live out this declaration every day. May our words and actions always reflect that Jesus is the Lord of our lives.

Father, we pray for those who are struggling to believe. Open their hearts to Your truth. Let them experience Your love and power in a real and personal way.

Use us, Lord, to share this good news with others. Give us boldness to declare Your Lordship and love to a world that desperately needs You.

In Jesus' mighty name, we pray. Amen.
